Thursday, April 17, 2008

WHatS THe WorLD COmig Too?

Hello everyone.....

I kind of wanted to start on serious note but usually it won't be like this. I am just going to talk about whatever comes to mind most of the time. Sports,Music, WHATEVEr....IT's MY BLog

I would like to purpose a questions: How do you feel about our economy?

The economy is really really jacked and its sad because the worst part is that I feel alot of people are not informed. If more people were informed then I think as a society we would make a difference and maybe lobby for more jobs and upper mobility within our communities. It doesn't have to go that far.....just being informed can limit stupid spending habits, maybe schools could be cheaper, maybe gas prices can go back to normal (whatever that is).

If your infromed you can also find out that technology has taken alot of jobs which in turn messes our economy all up. Technology is good but at the rate its growing there will be no jobs available for our kid's kids.

The economy can be fixed but I feel that no one knows what to do about it because no one cares to figure it out. If you dont believe me..... read this.

The country's economic health deteriorated further in the early spring as shoppers buckled under the strains of the housing and credit debacles and a weaker employment climate.
Manufacturers and other businesses, meanwhile, were walloped by zooming prices for energy and other raw materials. However, their ability to jack up retail prices to customers was mixed, with some companies restrained by competitive pressures, according to the Federal Reserve's new snapshot of nationwide economic conditions released Wednesday.
-CNN Money.Com

I'm just trying to inform the world and if you want to read more click the link below. Tell me what you think and how you feel.

You Just Got A PEACE of My Mind.

Signing off,



Anonymous said...

First of all I wud just like to point out that cleary u have waaaayyy too much time on ur hands! Secondly, I feel u yo,'cuz u kno i dnt give a damn about the economy if the economy aint tryina give a damn about me, YOUKNOWMSAYIN!

However, on a more important note, I think that great change will come with a great NEW President! We dnt need anymore "seconds". For example, president H. Bush n then his son, President Clinton n now his wife...
She really already had her chance in office (tho it might have been in the background), so I think she needs to give it a rest! Also, I think I wud take a little too hard if a white woman became president before a black man; thats just me. Moreover, we needed someone that is not in it for personal gain and actually cares about the welfare of others in THIS, and I repeat THIS country! (dnt even get me started on 'lil bush, oh excuse me, mccain with his 100 years war!)

Now its mostly every man for themselves at this point, n speakin as an aspiring pharmacist, I'ma get money either way this economy goes! BOOM! (nosa)

ReggieA5 said...

You straight stupid Beej..go read a book or something..On a more serious note, this economy is jacked as Mr. P himself stated. Look out in ya mailbox tho, them Stimulus checks are coming!!!!!!! Don't be fooled though, the gov't is def trying to pimp us...get in touch

Anonymous said...

big up to Reggie the hoebag!

Anonymous said...

Well yeah, I feel Big Jizz on the whole situation. The economy is gunna be shit for a while regardless of who becomes our next president...the only thing is that if McCain is the next prez then its going to get even worse. And if he does become president, I dont know about you but my ass is moving STRAIGHT to Nigeria, YOUKNOMSAYIN! Lol, but back on a serious note. Back to Big Jizz's point, we're gunna me pharmacists so my money is gunna be on point anyway. I'm feeling this blog Peter. Aaaww ur maturing :)....or just gay! Lol, JUST KIDDING.

chia said...

babe your comments are mad insightful ....i like're like the heterosexual perez hilton should still wear a blue wig on ur main pic'll def. capture a wide gender bending audience...anyway, i think your next blog should talk about why 30% of all black men between 20-28 are locked up and how that's affecting the love lifes' of hoodrats all over the country sure jennifer will appreciate it:}